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How To Spend The Holy Week at Home?

As of the moment, some people are at the beach. Others, may be in their respective provinces with their beloved families doing the traditional activities for Holy Week.

While the rest, may have chosen to stay in their homes enjoying the calmness of the usually hustling and bustling streets of the city.

Here are some ideas on how you can enjoy your holy week in your PONTICELLI HOMES.

(Image Source: Vista Mall Daang Hari Official FB Page)

Buy some cleaning materials from Vista Mall and clean your house because now, you finally have the time to do it!

Set up a mini altar for you to feel the Holy Week vibe in your Ponticelli house.

Schedule a time for the praying of the rosary with your family at home.

Watch some movies about the events that occurred during the Holy Week. Our suggestion is the ever amazing and heart wrenching movie -

The Passion of the Christ.

Personally groom your dogs! The heat has been unbearable for the past few days. Give your doggos some bath and some TLC during your rest days.

Read the Bible or anything that can add to your knowledge - a language book, that best selling novel, etc. or just turn off all of your electronic devices and spend some quiet time for yourself.

Do some voluntary work for the church or your community.

(Image Source: ALL Day Supermaket Facebook Page)

Cook a nice dinner for your parents, spouse, and/or kids! Buy your groceries at the nearest ALLDay Supermarket.

If you live in Ponticelli in Vista Alabang, the nearest one would be in Vista Mall Daang-Hari!

Join your community’s Holy Week activities! There may be an arranged “Stations of the Cross” or an Easter Egg Hunt in your area.

Revisit your hobbies. How many days in a year can you sit at home and freely play the piano, or take beautiful photos, or even write some songs?

There is more to life than just your 8am to 5pm jobs or your daily meetings.

Lastly, for this Holy Week, may you find time to reflect and refresh your body, mind, and soul.



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